Mission Statement

Our goal is to create a community for students of all experience levels interested in computer science. We provide resources and support to teach and tutor simple computer programming, in both topics covered and not covered in AP Computer Science. We also run and build our own projects ranging from simple jGrasp programs up to a published app level. We also host and provide access to local CS events and trips.

Missed Our Orientation?

Check This Out

Join Us

When: Every Thursday from 3-4 PM

Where: Mr. Stutler's Room (3209)

True as of 2/2018

Contact Us

(Don't worry, we won't byte.)

Email: ihscodeclub@gmail.com

True as of 2/2018


Faculty Advisor: Mr. Keith Stutler

Email: stutlerk@issaquah.wednet.edu

True as of 2/2018